The Commute Algorithm

I've always been prone to being late.

No matter what. Since I was a kid and now, decades later, I still feel like I'm late for just about everything.

It's a frustrating kind of late, too.

Like… just a minute…

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The Whiskey Ghost - Origin Story #2


Its genesis in the cabin fever perpetuated by lockdowns, five artists emerged from the isolation determined to be a beacon for all to once again gather in numbers to celebrate friendship, share the joys of food and drink, and rekindle…

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The Whiskey Ghost - Origin Story #1


Hailing from Canada’s National Capital Region, all five members of The Whiskey Ghost were initially Wednesday night poker players. It wasn’t until one of them (who shall remain nameless, Ian!) fibbed to his significant other that he was…

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90s European Train Busking Tour

One of the defining moments in my life as an artist was becoming house musician at a pub called "Derringer's". A hole-in-the-wall in a "rough around the edges" part of town; exactly where I belonged, some might say. This was…

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Vie & the Train Whistle

I wrote Nowherebound Train in 1992 and originally recorded and released it on cassette in 1993. I had borrowed my friend Rick Watson's Fostex 4-Track recorder and cranked out 26 songs in one weekend from the comfort of my tiny…

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1st Recess

The hustle & bustle sounds of "1st Recess" just joined the cool not-yet-fall breeze coming through my open windows. The school next door is providing a dose of normalcy even to those in my neighbourhood who may not recognize it…

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Busking for Hearts...

It was 1980 something and I was downtown Ottawa near the corner of Rideau & King Edward waiting for my brother to get off shift. Had my guitar and so I pulled it out and started playing. Before long, a…

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The Evergreens are covered in snow...

I know I'm a rough-around-the-edges, scruffy and scrappy looking guy but there's nothing, and I really do mean nothing, that softens my heart like the time that spans Thanksgiving to the New Year. I am, time and again, a wilful…

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LOST LYRICS: "Better Learn to Climb"

As I dust off the old studio equipment to begin recording new works, it stands to reason I'd come across old scribbled notes in amongst the technical plots, charts and templates. Like cookie crumbs leading me back through a forgotten…

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