A major work of art. A song like 'Have to Go' sounds like it could open for Shania Twain. Then a few songs later is 'Just for You' which could have appeared in a John Hughes movie (Say Anything, Breakfast Club).” - Derek Dunn

— Barrhaven Independent (Review of "Once Upon a Chime... in my Head")

Luke With A Sea

a.k.a. Luc Normand

A prolific Canadian singer/songwriter who traded in his guitar for a tie and, what seemed a short time later, traded in his 35 Year Service gift for a guitar. During that span, three incredible humans came to be and call him "Dad".

As with everything else in life, things have a way of coming a full circle.

Having sung "Father and Son" as a teenager, a young man, a new father, and now a "Daaaaad" to children who could just as easily be thinking of him as they sing along, the perspectives of Luc's original songs (in the Blue Rodeo meets Roger Klyne & The Peacemakers genre), are flowing back as he rekindles his relationship with the pen, the guitar and the mic.

Forever drawn to the beauty of the stringed instrument, the insightful or playful lyric, the passion of the human voice and just how intoxicating the three are together, many came along, shared it with him and he is eternally grateful.

"Let's keep going." he says "There's plenty more where that came from."

Press photos

Credit: Michael Broughton

Credit: Travis Reside

Credit: Michael Broughton

Credit: Travis Reside

Credit: Michael Broughton

Credit: Michael Broughton

Credit: Michael Broughton



