From the recording Sipping Maples [DEMO]

Everyone, whether they're Agnostic, Religious or Spiritual have been touched by the concept of "god". If that being suddenly appeared before an Atheist, this is how I imagine it would unfold...


Jesus Came Walkin'

Jesus came walkin’ up to my porch,
and pulled up a rocking chair.
"I've got questions for you brother.
A catechism of sorts."
he said, as he threw back his hair.

“Forgive me,” I said as I
flashed an audacious smile,
“I have water but I’m out of Ice-Nine.
Still I do believe you’re an oenophile?”
as I teased an empty goblet for wine.

O mercy me… Jesus came walkin’...

Jesus came walkin’ up to my porch,
and pulled up a rocking chair.
"Prepared for my coming;
though not quite how I’d hoped."
he said, as he threw me a stare.

(I said) "Oh I’ve read all your books,
the old and the new,
not exactly Pulitzer worthy, I’d say.”
(then I asked)
“Were you surprised to have been crucified,
after your old man spewed so much hate?”

O mercy me… Jesus came walkin’...

Jesus came walkin’ up to my porch,
and pulled up a rocking chair.
"No, I wasn’t astonished
to find myself on the cross it’s
kinda hard to forbear a forebear."

"Ha! Cleverly put!
You should have done that in your books!”
I exclaimed as he went on to say
“but I take comfort to see
you have questions for me.
Shows you might believe in your own unique way.”

O mercy me… Jesus came walkin’...

Jesus came walkin’ up to my porch,
and pulled up a rocking chair.
"I’ll take a kind Atheist over ten hateful ‘Christians’.”
he said “This truth is what I bring to bear.”

“For he'll atone for his transgressions,
if the Reaper comes to beckon
and stand calmly on judgement day.”
I said “I’m listening.” and he threw me a grin
as he got up to start walking away.

“So,” I said “it was never about me
believing in you,
it’s about whether you believe in me.”
He stopped on the steps “So simple, it’s complex.”
Threw me a nod and took his leave.

O mercy me… Jesus came walkin’...

© L. Normand, 2016
All rights reserved.